Naresh Devineni
Water Systems, Hydroclimate, Statistical Methods, Risk Management
Naresh Devineni is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at The City University of New York’s City College. He holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from North Carolina State University. He did his post-doctoral studies at Columbia University. He also worked as a Consultant for the World Bank for a brief period in 2009. He has diverse interests in hydro-climate modeling and extremes analysis, statistical and machine learning methods, water sustainability and risk assessment and water systems analysis. He is motivated by challenging problems interfacing human needs, engineering innovation and scientific advancement.
Naresh has co-authored more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, two book chapter, two full datasets, eleven opinion articles and white papers and more than 90 conference presentations. He has been invited as a panelist and speaker for more than 40 important panel discussions and meetings at international, domestic and university-wide conferences.
Naresh’s research has been supported by grants from major U.S. federal agencies like Department of Energy’s Office of Science (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Regional Transportation Center (UTRC), University Research Foundation (RFCUNY) and OAKRIDGE National Labs (ORAU).
At the City University of New York’s City College, Naresh teaches four courses, Civil Engineering Data Analysis, Civil Engineering Decision and Systems Analysis, Water Resources Systems Analysis and Advanced Data Analysis in the Civil Engineering department. He also conducts summer boot camps on statistics and water management for high school students as part of the CREST’s High School